編號 | 論文題目 | 作者 | 頁碼 | 下載次數 |
1 | 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief | 胡耀祖 Yie-Zu Hu |  A-0 | 5 |
2 | 德國生質能料源之永續性認證制度研析 The Research of Mass Balance System of Sustainable Biomass Sources for Electricity Generation in Germany | 蔡岳勳、蔡佳恩 Yueh-Hsun Tsai, Jia-En Tsai2 |  235 - 247 | 25 |
3 | 離岸風機單樁式支撐結構之水動力與沖刷分析 Scour Behavior Analysis for the Mono-Pile Substructure of the Offshore Wind Turbine | 陳銘宏、林君蔚、吳祚任、黃金城 Ming-Hong Chen, Chun-Wei Lin, Tso-Ren Wu, Chin-Cheng Huang |  249 - 266 | 11 |
4 | 核能發電之能源風險態度實證分析 The Empirical Study of Public Attitudes Towards Nuclear Energy Risk | 王京明 King Min Wang |  267 - 283 | 15 |
5 | 我國住宅部門電力使用研究 The Residential Sector Electricity Use Research in Taiwan | 林素琴、林志勳 Su-Chin Lin, Allen Lin |  285 - 302 | 11 |
6 | 我國縣市服務業之用電消費行為分析與節電潛力評估 Analyzing Electricity Consumption Behavior and Saving Potentials in Service Sector: Comparison of Cities and Counties in Taiwan | 孫廷瑞、陳奕宏、林軒宇、廖文華、蘇娟儀、傅孟臺 Ting-Jui Sun, Yi-Hung Chen, Hsuan-Yu Lin, Wen-Hua Liao, Chuan-Yi Su, Meng-Tai Fu ABSTRACT |  303 - 325 | 24 |
7 | 我國電視機能源效率測試方法及基準之研究 Study on Energy Efficiency Testing Method and Energy Efficiency Standards for Televisions | 黃傳興、徐盛源、王乾隆、羅新衡、李松宏、邱駿朋 Chwan-Shing Huang, Sheng-Yuan Hsu, Kevin Wang, Henry Lo, Sung-Hung Lee, Albert Chiu |  327 - 344 | 16 |
8 | 智慧揭露應用於電力服務之研究 A Study of Smart Disclosure Applying To Electricity Service | 許志義、楊梓萱、陳志綸、柳育林 Jyh-Yih Hsu, Tzu-Hsuan Yang, Chih-Lun Chen, Yu-Lin Liu |  345 - 360 | 17 |